WordPress for Business

Why WordPress for Business

Why WordPress for Business – A few reasons why WordPress is great for businesses, entrepreneurs and basic blogging

We’ve seen that successful blogs need clearly defined strategic goals and these goals will often determine the type of blog that will work best. WordPress makes possible a number of techniques and methods that will help you put your strategic goals into practice. The tools, techniques, and methods you pull out of the WordPress arsenal will depend on your blog’s strategic goals.

Why WordPress Reason 1: Ease of Use

Anybody can be successful using WordPress. Whether you need to build a website for your business, add a blog to your already existing site, want to make money online or just blog for fun, WordPress is easy to learn and extremely powerful. The genius behind WordPress is that it is an Open-Source project, which means there are hundreds of people all over the world working on it. The advantage this has over proprietary software is that the knowledge and expertise of thousands of developers, designers and coders is harnesses and utilized by the WordPress platform. This helps to make it the most cutting-edged and advanced blogging platform available.

Why WordPress Reason 2: Plugins

Plugins extend the functionality of WordPress. For those who have an iPhone or Android, plugins are akin to apps you can download on your phone. There are over 11,000 plugins at the time of this writing. There are both free and paid plugins that allow you to really customize and create a WordPress site exactly to your liking. For example, with plugins you can add social media buttons on your site, add a shopping cart, add SEO features and tools, integrate an email marketing campaign and much, much more.

Why WordPress Reason 3: Good Design

Whatever your strategic goals may be, design is going to be an important consideration—you must come up with a design that facilitates your strategic goals. Luckily, WordPress gives you almost unlimited control over the look and feel of your blog. You may have already experimented with ready-made themes, of which there are thousands available from various sources. However, we’ll be looking at how to modify WordPress themes so that you can develop a design that is unique and fits your purpose perfectly.
WordPress already has a well-established community of theme developers who create some amazing WordPress themes that people from all skill levels can easily use. Some of the more popular companies include Woo Themes, DIY Themes, and Elegant Themes.

Why WordPress Reason 4: Maximizing Usability

This will be closely linked to the design of your blog. Ensuring that your blog is usable and accessible to everyone is key to its success. Your readers must be able to navigate your blog and find content easily.

Why WordPress Reason 5: Blog Promotion

Again, whichever strategic goals you are aiming for, a key factor to your blog’s success will be getting it out to as big an audience as possible. Promoting blogs is a wide-ranging skill that involves many techniques. For example, search engine optimization (SEO) is central to any promotion strategy. There are many ways you can use WordPress to improve the findability of your site. WordPress also enables you to take advantage of social media and social bookmarking. WordPress can be easily integrated into any social media strategy. For example, when you publish a blog post, you can automatically post it to your Twitter or Facebook account with a simple WordPress plugin.

Why WordPress Reason 6: SEO

SEO is a very important aspect of any successful blog. There are a plethora of companies and professionals who make their living by providing SEO services to website owners. The best SEO professionals spend a great deal of time learning the skills of effective search engine optimization. Those who take advantage of proper SEO methods have a much greater chance of getting their websites ranked high in the search results. At the end of the day, if you want people to read your blog then getting on page 1 of Google for your keywords is extremely important.

Why WordPress Reason 7: Monetizing Your Blog

As your blog’s traffic levels grow, the opportunity for revenue generation increases. WordPress provides you with a variety of options to develop revenue streams from your blog. There are many plugins and widgets that help you to do this. In fact, many companies who design premium WordPress themes – such as Woo Themes – have revenue-generating options built in, such as ad placement for banners and integration of Google Adsense.

WordPress can be utilized to create direct monetization strategies such as selling advertising space, using banners or Google Adsense. Many entrepreneurs and bloggers create their own digital products – software, ebooks, video tutorials – and sell them on their sites.

Many businesses have used WordPress for indirect monetization purposes. These include things such as, ‘building a brand’, ‘reputation management’, and ‘improving customer relations’. These are all fairly intangible, but they will certainly add value. Additionally, educating people about products and services with review blog posts is a highly utilized method of indirectly monetizing a company blog.

WordPress is a truly powerful blog platform that has the functionality and flexibility to meet any businesses needs.

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